FREE A Fine Line: Techniques and Inspirations for Creating the Quilting Design by Melody Crust txt online free

FREE A Fine Line: Techniques and Inspirations for Creating the Quilting Design by Melody Crust txt online free

FREE A Fine Line: Techniques and Inspirations for Creating the Quilting Design by Melody Crust txt online free

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Book description
The first and only book completely devoted to designing the quilting stitch A quilt becomes a quilt only when its layers--top, batting, and backing--are stitched together. Unfortunately, comprehensive instruction in this key area has been sadly lacking, leaving many unfinished heirlooms relegated to a dusty closet shelf. A Fine Line is the first full-length source for expert guidance on putting it all together with confidence and creativity. Step by step, both hand and machine quilters will learn how to find inspiration for designs, choosing a quilting design that is both achievable according to skill level and appropriate in style to the quilt top in question. They will learn to implement the principles of design as they apply to the quilting stitch, and execute the design--choose materials, mark the quilt top, and make the stitches. Special features include: Lets Play Quilt section shows multiple ways of quilting the same top to achieve different effects Stunning color photographs by an award-winning nature photographer provide inspiration Visual examples--quilts, stitched fabrics, and sketches-illustrate each step in the process Complete chapter on finishing features techniques routinely neglected elsewhere
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