FB2 Youre Gonna Make It by John Bytheway download mp3 fb2 iphone story

FB2 Youre Gonna Make It by John Bytheway download mp3 fb2 iphone story

FB2 Youre Gonna Make It by John Bytheway download mp3 fb2 iphone story

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Book description
When I was 12 and I was getting ready to go into the sixth grade, my mom bought this book for me to read. At the time I absoultely hated reading (actually hated with passion, but now its all I ever do) and I just set it on my bookshelf in my room and forgot about it. When my 6th grade started I had the hardest time adapting into the whole junior high thing and I struggled with trying to live up to my standards as an LDS youth and remain true to myself. I struggled with it all the way through 7th, 8th, and part of 9th grade. Well, I was cleaning out my bookshelf a few days ago and I came across the book and I read it and I really wish I had read it sooner. Your Gonna Make It Through Junior High really helped me discover who I was and helped me stay true to myself and to the gosple. I loved the homework assignments he assigned and I am in the middle of trying out a few of them. I loved this book and I would reccommend it to any teenager whether LDS or not. It now has a home on my bookshelf that is not covered in dust!
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