FB2 Works of H.P. Lovecraft by H.P. Lovecraft amazon review cheap view read

FB2 Works of H.P. Lovecraft by H.P. Lovecraft amazon review cheap view read

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Well now Im in a bit of a pickle. My DROiD lets me read short stories, but they dont necessarily sort here that way. 9.17.10 I read the Allowable Rhyme and the Alchemist.THE ALLOWABLE RHYME a short poetry treatise is all kinds of fun if youre a geek like me, but otherwise, you wont like it.THE ALCHEMIST, an early story, falls prey to all the ponderosity which Howard Phillips is so often accused, but if you put it in the perspective of 1916, its pretty amazing and a much more complete tale than Call of Cthulu. In short, I liked it. Ill have to keep adding to this entry as Im sure the 70 odd titles I pulled up on my phone wont show up individually. Not totally fair as I dont know everything thats in the book Im tagging, but the Works seems more all-encompassing than just Weird Tales and what-not as I just read a POETRY ESSAY!?!Awesome. On 9.20.10 I read THE BEAST IN THE CAVE. Some good description, but kind of an obvious little tale. Meh.On 9.21.10 I finished BEYOND THE WALLS OF SLEEP. Now Slader is a good character and the disdain he shows for the lower caste is nothing short of amazing an what I must assume was a prevailing sentiment at the time. I liked this one. I could see it. He writes filmically, but theres never quite enough meat to do a whole story. Well see after Ive read more I guess. Onward!So far so good Master Lovecraft. So far so good. : )9.22.10 So fascinated by DAGON as a metal band in my periphery goes by Temple of Dagon, some kind of Babylonian Fish-God according to Lovecraft. The story is, eh, though the first person Poe-esque perspective is growing on me. And I just like the general feeling of creeping doom. 1919 was a good year for him!9.23.10 MEMORY feels like a greeting card from Lovecraft. Okay, but shorter than all them. Interesting that THE DOOM THAT CAME TO SARNATH came out in the same year (1919). Its almost biblical in its description and a great addition to the tapestry of the Ancient Ones mythos, but again, not much happens. Still, Ill look forward to reading more about the globulous legends of this weirdos mind. Todays menu. 9.24.10. THE TRANSITION OF JUAN ROMERO. I liked it. I like the paranoid hiding out. I liked the characters. I liked the mystery. I liked the setting. I liked the intertwining with real legends in the real world and the continuing exploration of dreams, which is awesomely explored in THE WHITE SHIP. Beautiful, melancholy and sweet with just a touch of Clive Barkers rotting strawberries thrown in for sensual touches of horror. 1919 was a good year for the foundations. Go Howard Phillips!9.28.10 NYRALATHOTEP. 1920. Not sure about this one. Some nice writing but the whole thing is kind of obtuse. Not quite a riddle or a puzzle, just inexplicable. 9.29.10 POETRY OF THE GODS. Another 1920 piece. This one was actually quite poetic, oddly enough, and showed more of Lovecrafts understanding of poetry. Im not sure anyone whos not a language or classic lit geek would enjoy it as much as I did. It was lovely and kind of nice to see he can do something straight, like Picasso can paint a portrait. Not as interesting as the distortion in the end, but good to know the technique is there, hey?9.30.10 Continuing in 1920 is POLARIS. Its a strange piece that really echoes the influence of Poe in his work, milking dread from unlikely objects like a star. There is also a tasty little trope. Good addition to his off-kilter vision of the mystical world. 10.4.10 THE CATS OF ULTHAR sees Lovecraft further honing his skill as a short story writer in particular. It also shows his fascination with Egypt, an appropriate fetish in 1920. I enjoyed this one. Good, short, to the point. Maybe not that clever to my modern jaded eyes, but it was probably quite original in his day. 10.5.10 Wow. THE PICTURE IN THE HOUSE, despite its stupid name was fucking rock. Really liked it. Couldve used one page more, but enjoyable nonetheless. 1920 is rounding out well.10.14.10 I liked THE STATEMENT OF RANDOLPH CARTER. This was the last 1920 story in the stories Ive been able to round up. Nice atomosphere. Way too many uses of the word moon. I liked the character.10.18.10 EX OBLIVIONE starts 1921. Its another of his vignettes. Not much too it, though I will steal a line for my sig file. Interesting to think if I lived in his time, I might have been weird enough to get published for adolescent thought as well. JK HP, JK. 10.19.10 I dug FACTS CONCERNING THE LATE ARTHUR JERMYN AND FAMILY (1921) Good trope. Nice work on his ambiguity. As always, couldve used more. But I liked it. 10.20.10 1921 continues with Howard Phillips having a vague Revelations style vision in THE CRAWLING CHAOS. Fine clunky language. Little meat. 10.25.10 THE NAMELESS CITY. Go H.P. A slightly different bent using world mythology and a complete thought. Quiet and full of disquiet. I liked this 1921 piece.THE STREET however . . . an interesting idea, but embracing all the racism and xenophobia of 1921, actually it seemed to pre-suppose the 40s in some way. Proof Lovecraft came from a place of sheltered privilege. Not his finest hour.10.26.10 1921s THE TERRIBLE OLD MAN made me so happy. Its Lovecraft and a long-lived pirate. Just the right levels of intrigue and horror. Of course I loved this one! 10.29.10 THE TREE, the last Lovecraft in my collection from 1921 was a nice surprise. There were actually characters who acted, as if in a plot. It was almost a classical piece and could be confused for a bona fide myth. I liked it. Doubt Ill get another in before Halloween, but maybe on the day. Well see what happens as we move on from this very busy year for H.P. 1922 started off great with CELEPHAIS, continuing with this trend toward a recognizable protoganist taking a journey. And there was not too much horror in this one. Perhaps desperation and wonder at what lies beneath the thin veil of reality, but not menace this time. I liked it. Taken a bit of break with life and phone updates, but it was nice to get back to 1922 with the MUSIC OF ERIC ZANN. This one was all menace and a slightly different topic. I liked it. I would recommend this one. Its been quite some time but Im back to the bus system on 6.1.11 with THE TOMB. Im still disappointed by Lovecrafts lack of details about the horrible things, but I wonder if he was writing all he felt his market could bear or if he just didnt have that great of an imagination for awful things. I dont know. This was a 1922 formula piece for him. Again, potentially cool story, but youd need a lot of work to fill in the blanks. I also have to wonder what reading his stuff when I was much younger might have done for my style. Similar command of the English language and great vocabulary if a bit stilted.Food for my thoughts. 1922 closes out on an interesting angle with WHAT THE MOON BRINGS. I finished this very short story on 6.2.11 and Lovecraft though ephemeral actually took some time to look at the specifically macabre. Unfortunately this is at the expense of a narrative. I await the time he can blend these two elements together. It hasnt happened yet. I also had the pleasure of starting 1923 today with HYPNOS, an interesting read, that tells a little story and though it avoids specific horrors, it does at least attempt to answer why, relying heavily on the vastness of the subject matter. It also has a nice trope so it doesnt feel so much like the lost chapter to a book that was never finished. I liked this one. 1923 is promising on many levels. THE HORROR AT MARTINS BEACH finds Lovecraft actually describing a creature beyond writhing tentacles. I would rate it higher if I wasnt confused about whether or not the narrator was also a victim, but I liked the imagery and the pace of this piece. It moved along at a better clip than most of his work. On 6.15.11 I read the last 1923 piece THE LURKING HORROR. It is a fairly cinematic piece from the beginning and might make a nice short film if anyone had the budget for the fires, the sets and the devolved monsters that make up the final trope of this piece. It feels like a full, completed, thought. Well down Howie. 1924 begins with a longer piece IMPRISONED WITH THE PHAROHS which I read on 7.14.11. It is a lenghty piece that must have captured the popular imagination as Egyptology was very popular at the time. He leaves certain details to the imagination but not at the expense of the story. I also felt some empathy with the narrator and an interest in him bringing existing mythology into his created one. I could see a short movie made of this one if we could find anyone to build the sets. Good stuff. The only negative I would find is the inherent racism of the time and the man. Though softer here than some of my earlier citations, there is an implied venom in the way he uses Arabs and Bedouins. Selah. 7.15.11 brought me IN THE VAULT another continuation of good taletelling by H.P. Short, to the point, an unlikeable but understandable character. And he even caught me off guard after showing the gun in Act I. Doesnt happen a lot, so good on ya. A good Halloween tale - or at least a Good Friday one! 1924 continues in the vein of tighter more complete storytelling with THE HOUND. I finished it on 7.21 and thought it was a nice little tale. The ignored details were acknowledged and jettisoned in favor of focusing on details that moved the narrative forward. Not the most interesting material but a fun Romantic-Gothic romp. If this keeps up Ill be pleased. I rounded out my 1924 reads with THE RATS IN THE WALLS. Some great specific disturbing imagery and the right amount of mystery left. The trope is a bit of an I woke up, but it pays off. The racism in this piece blew my mind however. Hard to get past at times. Im referring mostly, of course, to the name of the protagonists cat. Too bad. Good story. Interesting review that echoes many of my concerns and kind of ties it up nicely. So the bow as it were.http://chuckpalahniuk.net/reviews/hp-...
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