FB2 Wild Desire by Lori Brighton value text macbook online eng

FB2 Wild Desire by Lori Brighton value text macbook online eng

FB2 Wild Desire by Lori Brighton value text macbook online eng

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Book description
First He Drove Her MadIn what feels like a moment, Beatrice Edmund goes from being a proper lady cooped up in a stuffy Scottish castle to traveling miles from anything shes ever known, in the midst of the wildest adventure of her life. And at the center of that adventure is the most infuriating, puzzling scoundrel on earth. She cannot take her eyes off him.Then He Drove Her WildColin Fitch cannot deny hes drawn to Beatrice--but lust is all he could possibly feel for the sharp-tongued minx. Still, if theres a chance she can help him stop the madman he pursues, he must withstand her obvious disapproval. Yet withstanding the longing he feels for her is growing more troublesome by the second. . . And Colin has never been terribly good at staying out of trouble. . .
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