FB2 War on the Saints (Secrets of Spiritual Warfare) by Jessie Penn Lewis ios original read iBooks find

FB2 War on the Saints (Secrets of Spiritual Warfare) by Jessie Penn Lewis ios original read iBooks find

FB2 War on the Saints (Secrets of Spiritual Warfare) by Jessie Penn Lewis ios original read iBooks find

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Book description
This ground-breaking work is by authors who learnt from the excesses of the Great Welsh Revival of 1904. The books premise is that there are counterfeit spiritual manifestations as well as godly, and that the Christian can be deceived, affected and manipulated by demons. This book is thus on spiritual discernment, spiritual warfare, spiritual gifts and revival. This is essential reading for every Christian, as the same things that are happening today at Toronto and Brownsville happened in 1904 in Wales. `There is nothing new under the sun?. However, Jessie Penn-Lewis and Evan Roberts write that they learned many of these spiritual manifestations are NOT FROM GOD.
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