FB2 Vacations Over!: Return of the Dinosaurs by Joe Kulka value tablet bookstore online touch

FB2 Vacations Over!: Return of the Dinosaurs by Joe Kulka value tablet bookstore online touch

FB2 Vacations Over!: Return of the Dinosaurs by Joe Kulka value tablet bookstore online touch

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Book description
A great book for dinosaur lovers, especially those who like to see possibilities of dinosaurs living in modern times. This will be a fun, bright colored addition to a storytime--especially for the regular who keeps asking for a dino book!10/5/10 & 10/7/10 This was a bit of a bomb. I think the kids liked the pictures, but I could see most of it going over their heads. No matter what I thought to try, it didnt really work. The dino lovers still liked seeing dinosaurs, but thats all that this was good for. Perhaps this would be better in a school-age ST.
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