FB2 Unruly Hearts by Adrianne Wood (Goodreads Author) text how download book selling mp3

FB2 Unruly Hearts by Adrianne Wood (Goodreads Author) text how download book selling mp3

FB2 Unruly Hearts by Adrianne Wood (Goodreads Author) text how download book selling mp3

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Book description
Texas, 1872: Rancher Ben Westingame gets engaged to the wrong woman while trying to do the right thing. Too late, he realizes that his new fiancée’s friend has the spirit and passion he’s been searching for all his life. But her secrets may ruin their chance at finding happiness….Featuring a big-hearted and impulsive heroine, a hero who needs to live down a bad reputation, and loads of adventure and romance against a Texas backdrop, this charming book will both make you laugh and tug at your heartstrings.
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