FB2 Unraveling the Past by Elisabeth Rees offline fb2 txt read download

FB2 Unraveling the Past by Elisabeth Rees offline fb2 txt read download

FB2 Unraveling the Past by Elisabeth Rees offline fb2 txt read download

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Book description
FALSELY ACCUSED After six months undercover with the meth dealers plaguing her town, deputy Joanna Grahams cover is blown—and someones framing her for corruption and drug trafficking. She turns to her boss, Sheriff Tyler Beck, for help, but in coming to her aid hes knocked unconscious…and loses his memory of the past seven years. Now Joanna must convince Tyler to trust her as they go on the run to figure out who set her up and whos at the top of the meth gang. But as their lives are in danger, so is Joannas heart. This new Tyler has no recollection of their brief relationship. Could this be a second chance for them? Or will the fragile connection theyve made be shattered when Tylers memory returns?
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