FB2 Troubling Education: Queer Activism and Antioppressive Pedagogy by Kevin K. Kumashiro original read via flibusta reading

FB2 Troubling Education: Queer Activism and Antioppressive Pedagogy by Kevin K. Kumashiro original read via flibusta reading

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Really impressive book. At first, I wasnt sure about the book thinking that it may be, just another typical educational boooks of this nature: too simplying of gender and sexuality issues and, really, not doing justice to the topic. I was wrong. This book does a great job of inspecting issues of not only oppression, but the ways in which we, as educators and a society, have traditionally thought about oppression. These traditional ways have only further perpetuated the cause to stop and combat forms of oppression. I am using this book along with several others for my dissertation in Education on challenging teachers perceptions of students. I like many quotes in this book, but in the words of one concerned parent from the book who has been told by the preschool that his child attends that the child was a difficult kid and maybe didnt belong in preschool: Our society seems to believe in disposable kids: If a kid gives you too many problems, get rid of it, we cant deal with their problem and when theyre older they can go see a phsycologist about it and deal with it then...And, I have a problem with schools that have a philosophy of disposable kids and I absolutely refuse to allow them to treat my son as a disposabe kid... And in the words of the author, Kumashiro, on the same issue: educators have an ethical responsibiltiy to refect constantly on students they may be disposing of, and on how to rework their practices... No student should be disposed of, literally - conciously or unconciously - or just written off by teachers who dont want to or cant deal; but unfortunately, I have seen it happen before. Teachers and educators - administrators espicially - need to be vigilent of practices that seek to alleviate, combat, and re-dress our traditional practices of making students fit into a box of teachers own engrained preceptions, stereotypes, and beliefs. The first step, as Kumashiro indicates several times in this book, is that teachers have to acknowledge their own priviledge, stereotypes, hetersosexim, homophobia, racisim, classicism, and other preceptions of what students are supposed to be and act like and DEAL with them before acting them out on their students.
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