FB2 Translated Woman: Crossing the Border with Esperanzas Story by Ruth Behar (Goodreads Author) ipad read pocket book value

FB2 Translated Woman: Crossing the Border with Esperanzas Story by Ruth Behar (Goodreads Author) ipad read pocket book value

FB2 Translated Woman: Crossing the Border with Esperanzas Story by Ruth Behar (Goodreads Author) ipad read pocket book value

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Book description

Book description
I fell in love with this book. Esperanzas story is equal parts thrilling, heartbreaking, and joyful. Behar conveys so much of Esperanza while making room for herself. I read this book in an Anthropology class, but I would recommend it to anyone. The ideas in this book are so relevant to daily life and create a connection across time and place.This is all on top of Behars amazing writing ability, which has sentences that are almost poetic at points. I loved the whole book and especially loved the analysis chapters at the end.
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