FB2 Track Stars!: Three Thomas and Friends Stories (Thomas & Friends) by Wilbert Awdry windows without signing epub book view

FB2 Track Stars!: Three Thomas and Friends Stories (Thomas & Friends) by Wilbert Awdry windows without signing epub book view

FB2 Track Stars!: Three Thomas and Friends Stories (Thomas & Friends) by Wilbert Awdry windows without signing epub book vie…

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Book description
Filled with Gentle humor and lots of photo illustrations, here are three fun new stories straight from Thomas’ newest video. First, Thomas likes to go fast, but when he has to deliver a load of eggs, he must go slow, or the eggs will be scrambled. Next, Emily is given a new route, but it takes her past the Black Loch, which she hears is the home of a monster! And finally, Percy overhears a rumor that he is to be sent to the scrap yard and decides to run away.
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