FB2 Timeless Love by Judith O'Brien fb2 bookstore tom book reading

FB2 Timeless Love by Judith O'Brien fb2 bookstore tom book reading

FB2 Timeless Love by Judith O'Brien fb2 bookstore tom book reading

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Book description
The Magic CharmIt was a lovely silver necklace with a strange antique charm -- an early sixteenth birthday present from her parents. But now Samantha clutched the charm, desperate to disappear when her father discovered shed wrecked his BMW....Suddenly she was standing in the bedchamber of Edward VI, the young king of England in 1553....He was her own age -- and cute. Why hadnt she studied her history? Sam only knew that Edward had died at about sixteen -- and she was determined to save him. He seemed to expect her. He called her my sweet angel. She should have recognized the danger when the scheming Duke of Northumberland tried to come between them. But Edward protected her -- especially as the ailing young king grew healthy, and rumors of marriage began. She thought she was safe -- until a handsome young stranger stole her heart and swept her into the middle of deadly sixteenth-century court intrigue....Could she ever go home again?
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