FB2 The Wolf in the Parlor: The Eternal Connection between Humans and Dogs by Jon Franklin full reader read tom author

FB2 The Wolf in the Parlor: The Eternal Connection between Humans and Dogs by Jon Franklin full reader read tom author

FB2 The Wolf in the Parlor: The Eternal Connection between Humans and Dogs by Jon Franklin full reader read tom author

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Book description
The author is a journalist who is curious about the evolution of the dog. While I am often skeptical about non-fiction books written by non-specialists, this book provides some very interesting speculations about how and why the dog evolved from the wolf. Jon Franklins hypothesis is that some wolves became camp followers. They tried to glean food from the leavings of humans. Women would be on the lookout, and go to the wolves to kill one, and bring it back for food. Obviously, the women would not choose a cute or relatively friendly wolf, but instead would choose a snarling wolf to club. Over time, the friendliest, cutest wolves would survive among the followers. Thus, it was not a deliberate attempt by humans to domesticate an animal--it was just a fortunate by-product.The author speculates about the interesting coincidence, that modern humans and modern dogs evolved at just about the same epoch, about 12,000 years ago. This may have been due to the retreat of the ice age. At this time, the wolf lost about 20% of its brain volume as it evolved into the dog. Also, our ancestors lost about 20% of their brain volume, as they evolved into modern humans. Franklin speculates that the dog took on some of the tasks that humans gave up, while humans took on some of the tasks that dogs gave up, while each lost some brain mass.In other words, dogs and humans co-evolved, each becoming a species quite different from what would have evolved, had the other not existed. The author relates a story about how his wifes dog literally saved their lives when their house burned down. But, I wont spoil the book by revealing the even-more-important job that dogs perform for humans--read this fascinating book to find out!
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