FB2 The Way Into The Varieties Of Jewishness (The Way Into¹series) by Sylvia Barack Fishman get without registering value download find

FB2 The Way Into The Varieties Of Jewishness (The Way Into¹series) by Sylvia Barack Fishman get without registering value download find

FB2 The Way Into The Varieties Of Jewishness (The Way Into¹series) by Sylvia Barack Fishman get without registering value download

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Book description

Book description
An accessible introduction to the many ways Jews understand Jewishness and identify themselves and their communities throughout history and today. For everyone who wants to understand the varieties of Jewish identity, its boundaries and inclusions, this book explores the religious and historical understanding of what it has meant to be Jewish from ancient times to the present controversy over Who is a Jew? Beginning with the biblical period, it takes readers era by era through Jewish history to reveal who the Jewish community included and excluded, and discusses the fascinating range of historical conflicts that Jews have dealt with internally. It provides an understanding of how the Jewish people and faith developed, and of what the major religious differences are among Jewish movements today.
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