FB2 The The Wedding Weekend (An Emma Hannigan short story) by Emma Hannigan iBooks how to free itunes without registering

FB2 The The Wedding Weekend (An Emma Hannigan short story) by Emma Hannigan iBooks how to free itunes without registering

FB2 The The Wedding Weekend (An Emma Hannigan short story) by Emma Hannigan iBooks how to free itunes without registering

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Book description

Book description
Every since I read my first Emma Hannigan book, I have loved her style and the heartwarming stories that she tells so brilliantly in her books. Tess is all set to get married to a wonderful man, who not only loves her but accepts her for the person she is and wants a bright and happy future together. With her mother, grandmother and sister arriving in Rome to see in her special day with her, she cant think of anything to go wrong. That is until her sisters new boyfriend arrives and it is like a punch in the stomach as she remembers who he is and what happened the last time they seen each other years previous. Tess is thrown in uncertainty about her future and what she is going to do now that the past and present have mixed together.I loved the theme of the story, it was serious yet light at the same time. It was told in a wonderful backdrop that is Rome, somewhere which is magical in it own right. Wedding novels or novellas in this case are so very sweet and romantic with a lot of drama, yet it doesnt make you want to read it any less. The Wedding Weekend is a beautifully written story that you can read in one sitting as it is a quick and easy read. It has romance, love, loss and heartbreak all the things that make this a great read.If I had to sum this book up in three words, they would be Magical, Beautiful and Captivating.
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