FB2 The Shattered Chain by Marion Zimmer Bradley book txt online

FB2 The Shattered Chain by Marion Zimmer Bradley book txt online

FB2 The Shattered Chain by Marion Zimmer Bradley book txt online

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Book description
Background: a human colony ship crash lands on the wrong planet. They name it Darkover and do their best to survive. Over the centuries they forget their origins and develop a vaguely feudal society. The nobility, called the Comyn, is comprised of seven families of red-heads with different psychic gifts. Women have few legal rights and are the property of fathers and husbands. Renunciates, sometimes called by others the Free Amazons, are women who reject the social system and band together in groups for mutual protection. In The Shattered Chain Rohana, a Comyn woman, recruits some Renunciates to help rescue her sister, who was kidnapped many years earlier by the even-more-sexist-and-abusive vaguely Middle Eastern-ish desert society that rarely has any role in this series where she was added to some lords harem and never saw the light of day again. Her family refused to help her (because once she lost her virginity she didnt have any practical value to them), but now that her daughter Jaelle is twelve and about to be married off she begs Rohana to save the child. Pregnant with what is predicted to be her rapists long-desired male heir, she uses her delicate condition as an excuse to get a private room outside the harem quarters so there is finally a chance at escape. Rohana, who has never really done anything on her own before, defies her family and travels across the desert with a small band of tough women.I liked that all the Renunciates had their own personalities. I also admired Bradley for recognizing that the rescue itself is not the end of a victims problems (view spoiler)[although as a kid I hated that after all that her sister frickin DIED (hide spoiler)]
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