FB2 The Restraint of Beasts by Magnus Mills acquire eng value book ios

FB2 The Restraint of Beasts by Magnus Mills acquire eng value book ios

FB2 The Restraint of Beasts by Magnus Mills acquire eng value book ios

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Book description
Once upon a time in Scotland, there were three men who built high-tension fences, the kind that keep animals in and humans out—or maybe the other way around. Magnus Mills gives us a wiry novel of tensile strength that proves him a writer of ferocious talent. Eerie, resonant, spare yet rich in tones both hilarious and ominous—as if a work by Irvine Welsh, or perhaps Macbeth, had been adapted by the Coen brothers—his story has a finale so ingenious, insidious, and satisfying, it remains locked in the mind long after the last wire has been strung into place.
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