FB2 The Other Side Of Silence by Morton T. Kelsey flibusta no registration online how to original

FB2 The Other Side Of Silence by Morton T. Kelsey flibusta no registration online how to original

FB2 The Other Side Of Silence by Morton T. Kelsey flibusta no registration online how to original

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Book description
This book confirmed some prayer practices I already had in place, and expended some that were nascent in me, and encouraged me to keep at it. He is a bit repetitive, and it seems like this book could be a lot shorter with some good editing, but his sincerity makes up for this. (I am reading a 1976 edition.) I most value the authors straightforward and common-sense defense of what many Christians would consider too esoteric or new-agey but which are in fact extremely helpful. In reference to dreams for instance he explains that nearly every culture, including those of the old and new testaments have regarded dreams as a means by which God reveals himself to individuals. Maybe thats too general a statement, still it seems modern Christians and non-Christians are quite singular in their rejection of dreams and spontaneous images as nonsensical and maybe even dangerous.The author also shares a lot of his personal experiences as guiding examples and cautionary tales. Underlying the entire book though, is his confidence that God is wiling to be encountered by the whole person, (including that which we are unconscious of in ourselves) so it is not so much a matter of correct technique but ot sincere intention and perseverance.
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