FB2 The Memento by Christy Ann Conlin (Goodreads Author) how download read find full link

FB2 The Memento by Christy Ann Conlin (Goodreads Author) how download read find full link

FB2 The Memento by Christy Ann Conlin (Goodreads Author) how download read find full link

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Book description
Haunting gothic elements are exquisitely re-imagined in this strange tale of madness, murder and dark secrets set on the rugged Bay of Fundy coast by the acclaimed author of Heave.The Memento tells the story of Fancy Mosher as she lives and works in the servants quarters at Petals End, a formerly illustrious private land surrounded by dense forest belonging to the famed Parker family. Since the Great War, the estate has been slowly crumbling at the same rate as the familys reputation. Fancy grows up listening to her familys ghost stories and watching the Parkers from a safe distance with her best friend, Art, but the summer she turns twelve she not only learns that her family has been hiding a terrifying truth about who she is and what she is capable of, she also begins to experience firsthand the magnitude of secrets and horrors held within the estates walls and buried in its lush gardens--secrets and lies that come to haunt Fancy and the large, fabulous cast of Petals End, all of whom refuse to move on from a dying way of life.В В В В Christy Ann Conlin gives us a lyrical and chilling meditation on human nature and the manner of recollection in this captivating ghost story where webs of memories haunt and distort reality and ultimately destroy those who weave them.
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