FB2 The Locked Crowns by Marion Garthwaite store read format android how to

FB2 The Locked Crowns by Marion Garthwaite store read format android how to

FB2 The Locked Crowns by Marion Garthwaite store read format android how to

> READ BOOK > The Locked Crowns

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Book description

Book description
When I was a little girl in about fifth grade, I read this book. Dont ask me why, but its title & story stuck with me all these years into adulthood. Fortunately, I was able to find it again & purchase it. Set in the Viking era, its the story of a exiled princess who lives with a vassal family awaiting the time to regain her throne. In another land, a young boy is also deprived of his throne & flees for his safety. You can guess the rest Im sure -- but its a wonderful study of the Nordic Viking ways as is threaded through the storyline.
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