FB2 The Language of Sparrows by Rachel Phifer (Goodreads Author) author offline read ebook txt

FB2 The Language of Sparrows by Rachel Phifer (Goodreads Author) author offline read ebook txt

FB2 The Language of Sparrows by Rachel Phifer (Goodreads Author) author offline read ebook txt

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Book description
Brilliant and fluent in too many languages to count, 15-year-old Sierra Wright cant seem to communicate what is important to her in any language. Though April Wright stubbornly keeps an upbeat attitude about her daughters future, she has let her own dreams slip away. Just across the bridge lives old Luca, scarred from his time in a Romanian gulag years before. Though he has seemingly given up on people, Sierra is drawn to him despite his prickly edges. No one else is comfortable with the unpredictable old man spending time alone with Sierra, not even Lucas son. Yet it is this unconventional relationship that will bring two families together to form friendships and unearth their family stories, stories that just might give them all the courage to soar on wings toward a new future.
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