FB2 The Fairies and the Christmas Child by Lilian Gask tablet spanish without registering free txt

FB2 The Fairies and the Christmas Child by Lilian Gask tablet spanish without registering free txt

FB2 The Fairies and the Christmas Child by Lilian Gask tablet spanish without registering free txt

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Book description
The title is a little deceptive- The Fairies and the Christmas Child isnt a Christmas novel at all. In fact, Christmas isnt really relevant after the first chapter. The Christmas Child isnt Jesus, but a boy born on Christmas Day and named Chris. He runs away from home after his father forgets both Christmas and his sons birthday (to be fair, the father is an impoverished, overworked surgeon) and finds himself in a park, where he meets the fairy-queen, who tells him that all children born on the 25th of December have the gift of talking to the fairy-folk. The rest of the novel chronicles his meetings with a variety of fairies and the stories they tell him. Though the fairies in this book seem a lot nicer than the Aos Si or elves of European lore, Lilian Gask definitely did her homework on fairy lore before writing this. In fact, she put a lot of modern folklorists to shame with the depth of her knowledge-- I had certainly never heard of Korrigans or Courils before reading this. The tales Chris hears, stories of shape-shifting princesses, doomed supernatural lovers and peasants rewarded for kindness or punished for laziness or cruelty were sometimes familiar in their motifs but always fresh in their telling. Gasks fairies fall somewhere in between sentimental, harmless Victorian sprites and the wholly evil creatures found in modern fiction like Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell. Theyre capable of cruelty: a fairy persuades a knight who loves her to tear a page from a Bible inscribed with his dead mothers handwriting, then simply laughs at him and disappears when he presents her with it. On the other hand, they always reward anyone who shows a stranger hospitality. Chris is always treated well by any fairies he encounters, though its implied that this is only because he has special status as a Christmas Child and he narrowly avoids being kidnapped by fairy women and forced to spend the rest of his life in an underground city only because he mentions the day of his birth. Its all ultimately quite accurate to the original myths and folklore, except of course, for the single detail about children born on Christmas day being favoured by fairies. An endearing and unjustly obscure work of fiction, wonderfully illustrated in colour and black-and-white by Willy Pogany.
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