FB2 The Energy Healing Experiments: Science Reveals Our Natural Power to Heal by Gary E. Schwartz read flibusta via information eng

FB2 The Energy Healing Experiments: Science Reveals Our Natural Power to Heal by Gary E. Schwartz read flibusta via information eng

FB2 The Energy Healing Experiments: Science Reveals Our Natural Power to Heal by Gary E. Schwartz read flibusta via information

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Book description
A healer removes the pain of a broken wrist in fifteen minutes. Another removesan ovarian tumor in a couple of weeks. Still another, from thousands of miles away, regenerates the nerves of an injured spine for a patient on whom the doctors had given up. These sound like tabloid stories but could they be true? They are just three out of millions of instances in which healers have claimed to manipulate energy fields to cure the body.Books on vibrational medicine, prayer, and spiritual healing present readers with an array of historical and current discoveries and techniques. But so far nobody has addressed the reality of healing through comprehensive scientificresearch. The Energy Healing Experiments fills that void. Harvard-educated Dr. Gary E. Schwartz provides scientific experiments and evidence to reveal the truth about the existence of energy fields and unlocks their potential for enhancing your health.
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