FB2 The Dragons of Krynn by Margaret Weis (Goodreads Author) spanish book link no registration view

FB2 The Dragons of Krynn by Margaret Weis (Goodreads Author) spanish book link no registration view

FB2 The Dragons of Krynn by Margaret Weis (Goodreads Author) spanish book link no registration view

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Book description
Was disappointed to find that this book was a number of short stories and not a full story but on reading I still enjoyed most of the tales particularly as they were all about dragons. Loved the story of the shapeshifting dragon, wonderful plot but did not enjoy the tale about Galen at all!! Kaz the minotaur as usual is a wonderfully heroic character and the female elf was fascinating!! was very surprised to read about the group of people living in the plains of dust and the desert and their wearing of jabayas, the man asking the woman to cover her face, the flat bread they ate and so much more as this took me so pleasantly back to my experience of life in the arab countries I so dearly love!!
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