FB2 The Constitution: A Heavenly Banner by Ezra Taft Benson purchase find tom online kindle

FB2 The Constitution: A Heavenly Banner by Ezra Taft Benson purchase find tom online kindle

FB2 The Constitution: A Heavenly Banner by Ezra Taft Benson purchase find tom online kindle

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This book is excellent. Its a super easy read (Just over 30 pages long), but it packs a solid punch in those 30 pages.Ezra Taft Benson, the former Secretary of Agriculture in the Eisenhower administration, as well as the former president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, brings his knowledge of the gospel and his constitutional knowledge together in one place. He seeks to help us understand why the Constitution is important, why we need a republican form of government and what Gods role was in the founding of our nation. He uses words of prophets as well as founding fathers to teach these important principles.Theres not a lot I can say to help you understand the wisdom contained in this book, so instead Ill just give you a few of my favorite quotes:Christ and all who followed Him stood for...freedom of choice; Satan stood for...coercion and force...And one of Lucifers primary strategies has been to restrict our agency through the power of earthly governments. p. 3Freedom as we know it has been experienced by less than one percent of the human family. p. 4If we accept the premise that human rights are granted by government, then we must be willing to accept the corollary that they can be denied by government. p. 6Life, liberty, and property do not exist because men have made laws. On the contrary, it was the fact that life, liberty, and property existed beforehand that caused men to make laws in the first place. - Frederic Bastiat p. 6Every true American and true friend of liberty should love our inspired Constitution. Its creation was a miracle. p. 11The Constitution of the United States is a glorious standard and is founded on the wisdom of God. It is a heavenly banner. - Joseph Smith p. 16Those are just a few of the quotes. There was wisdom on every page. Definitely worth the read.
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