FB2 The Choice by Maria V. Ciletti (Goodreads Author) txt online

FB2 The Choice by Maria V. Ciletti (Goodreads Author) txt online

FB2 The Choice by Maria V. Ciletti (Goodreads Author) txt online

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Book description
Lifes important decisions take the most courage.What if you had to make the choice between losing everything or being true to yourself? The Choice explores the difficult struggle that Mina Thomas, a nurse with a loving husband, close knit family and successful career endures when she meets Regan Martin, and attractive new nurse Mina is assigned to mentor. Long-buried desires are awakened in Mina, pushing her toward the need to finally make the choice that may change her life forever.The Choice is the first book in The Choice series.( Other books in The Choice series include, Clinical Distance and Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow?)
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