FB2 The Betrayed by Jana Deleon (Goodreads Author) read fb2 on ipad

FB2 The Betrayed by Jana Deleon (Goodreads Author) read fb2 on ipad

FB2 The Betrayed by Jana Deleon (Goodreads Author) read fb2 on ipad

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Book description
A man undercover must reveal the truth in the swamps in the continuation of USA TODAY bestselling author Jana DeLeons Mystere Parish: Family Inheritance. One day on the job and contractor Zach Sargent is ready to believe the dilapidated old LeBeau mansion is haunted. Some intruder -- earthly or not -- is threatening the youngest LeBeau sister, back to claim her inheritance. And though Danae keeps her distance from the sexy hired hand, he falls for her in a heartbeat. Like Danae, Zach has come back to Calais in need of answers to troubling questions about the LeBeau family past. But Danae must never know who he really is and he cant let his attraction to her stop his search…or else a decades-old evil will claim a new victim.
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