FB2 The Art of Simpling: An Introduction to the Knowledge and Gathering of Plants by William Coles mobi online

FB2 The Art of Simpling: An Introduction to the Knowledge and Gathering of Plants by William Coles mobi online

FB2 The Art of Simpling: An Introduction to the Knowledge and Gathering of Plants by William Coles mobi online

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Book description

Book description
Where the definitions, divisions, places, descriptions, differences, names, virtues, times of flourishing and gathering, uses, temperatures, signatures and appropriations of plants are methodically laid down. Whereunto is added, a discovery of the lesser world. Partial Contents: Physics, Philosophy, Herbs, Proper places where plants are to be found, Roots, Stalks, Leaves, Flowers, Seeds, Plants, Plants used in, and against Witchcraft, Myriad uses of plants.
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