FB2 The Anti-Estrogenic Diet: How Estrogenic Foods and Chemicals Are Making You Fat and Sick by Ori Hofmekler kindle online bookshop without signing full version

FB2 The Anti-Estrogenic Diet: How Estrogenic Foods and Chemicals Are Making You Fat and Sick by Ori Hofmekler kindle online bookshop without signing full version

FB2 The Anti-Estrogenic Diet: How Estrogenic Foods and Chemicals Are Making You Fat and Sick by Ori Hofmekler kindle online book…

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Book description
• Lower your risk of metabolic disorders, disease, and chronic weight gain• Protect yourself against the estrogenic substances in the environment, products, water, and food• Learn how certain foods and herbs can protect you!Estrogenic chemicals—known for causing the near extinction of various living species—are found in some of the most common foods we eat.In this revolutionary diet book, Ori Hofmekler addresses the millions of overweight and obese individuals who have failed or are disappointed with other diets—those who suffer from yoyo dieting, weight gain rebounds, or accumulation of stubborn fat in the belly and other estrogen-sensitive areas. Focusing on our current over-exposure to estrogenic chemicals in the environment, foods, and water, The Anti-Estrogenic Diet provides a practical solution to fat gain, estrogen-related disorders (PMS, endometriosis, fibrocystic disease), and increased risk of common cancers in women and men (breast, ovarian, cervical, prostate).Allowing you to still enjoy your favorite foods, the program is based on incorporating anti-estrogenic foods, spices, and herbs into your diet, while eliminating estrogenic foods and chemicals. Exposing dietary myths and fallacies, Hofmekler teaches readers that some foods commonly regarded as “healthy” may actually be harmful and vice versa.Special chapters dedicated to readers with different needs and health conditions, recipes, a question-and-answer section, and a list of scientific references are also included in this valuable resource.
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