FB2 The Anna Papers by Ellen Gilchrist apple francais wiki writer online

FB2 The Anna Papers by Ellen Gilchrist apple francais wiki writer online

FB2 The Anna Papers by Ellen Gilchrist apple francais wiki writer online

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Book description
This is my favorite book. Well this or Shipping News. It tells the story of novelist Anna Hand, a woman from a crazy Southern family who kills herself rather than fight a horrible cancer diagnosis. This story winds together the lives of her lovers, friends and family members --even an estranged young niece -- through those who gather at her memorial service, as well as through her papers, notes and letters. GIlchrist is a fantastic writer, and although this story is somewhat dated and stuck in the 1980s, there is nothing more timeless or beautiful than Anna and her love for life and friends. If you havent read GIlchrists work, you are in for a treat. Anna, her crazy cousins and even little Olivia are featured in several volumes of short stories as well as in novels.
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