FB2 Sweet Little Lies by Jill Shalvis (Goodreads Author) audio how read android book windows

FB2 Sweet Little Lies by Jill Shalvis (Goodreads Author) audio how read android book windows

FB2 Sweet Little Lies by Jill Shalvis (Goodreads Author) audio how read android book windows

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Book description
Choose the one guy you can’t have . . .As captain of a San Francisco Bay tour boat, Pru can handle rough seas—the hard part is life on dry land. Pru loves her new apartment and her neighbors; problem is, she’s in danger of stumbling into love with Mr. Right for Anybody But Her.Fall for him—hard . . .Pub owner Finn O’Riley is six-foot-plus of hard-working hottie who always makes time for his friends. When Pru becomes one of them, she discovers how amazing it feels to be on the receiving end of that deep green gaze. But when a freak accident involving darts (don’t ask) leads to shirtless first aid, things rush way past the friend zone. Fast.And then tell him the truth.Pru only wants Finn to be happy; it’s what she wishes for at the historic fountain that’s supposed to grant her heart’s desire. But wanting him for herself is a different story—because Pru’s been keeping a secret that could change everything. . . .
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