FB2 Students for a Democratic Society: A Graphic History by Harvey Pekar epub online

FB2 Students for a Democratic Society: A Graphic History by Harvey Pekar epub online

FB2 Students for a Democratic Society: A Graphic History by Harvey Pekar epub online

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Book description
The history of SDS as youve never seen it before. In 1962, at a United Auto Workers camp in Michigan, Students for a Democratic Society held its historic convention and prepared the famous Port Huron Statement, drafted by Tom Hayden. This statement, criticizing the U.S. governments failure to pursue international peace or address domestic inequality, became the organizations manifesto. Its last convention was held in 1969 in Chicago, where, collapsing under the weight of its notoriety and popularity, it shattered into myriad factions. Through brilliant art and they-were-there dialogue, famed graphic novelist Harvey Pekar, gifted artist Gary Dumm, and renowned historian Paul Buhle (as well as several former members of SDS) narrate and illustrate the tumultuous decade that first defined and then was defined by the men and women who gathered under the SDS banner.Students for a Democratic Society: A Graphic History captures the idealism and activism that drove a generation of young Americans to believe that even one persons actions can help transform the world.
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