FB2 Start Me Up by Nicole Michaels (Goodreads Author) ipad read pocket book value

FB2 Start Me Up by Nicole Michaels (Goodreads Author) ipad read pocket book value

FB2 Start Me Up by Nicole Michaels (Goodreads Author) ipad read pocket book value

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Book description
Why do Do-It-Yourself...Single mom Anne Edmond can handle—and hand-make—just about anything. From table settings to party favors, floral arrangements to nursery décor, there is no project her creativity and a glue gun can’t tackle. But dating? That’s a whole ’nother story. Case in point: Mike Everett. He’s a gorgeous mechanic and known car-whisperer, a man who can work with auto parts like nobody’s business. And he has thrown a monkey wrench into Anne’s carefully-crafted life...When you can do it together?One look at Anne is enough for Mike to know that she’s no fixer-upper. She’s perfect just the way she is—and the chemistry between them works like a charm. Mike’s always been a no-strings kind of guy, but Anne’s impressive self-reliance—and gorgeous exterior—gives him pause. This time, a fast joyride just doesn’t seem like enough. But first he has to convince Anne that he means to take her all the way...
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