FB2 Simply Shetland 2 by David Colding iBooks portable prewiew online offline

FB2 Simply Shetland 2 by David Colding iBooks portable prewiew online offline

FB2 Simply Shetland 2 by David Colding iBooks portable prewiew online offline

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Book description
This work contains 24 new designs for women, men and children featuring Jamiesons Shetland wool in 2-ply jumper weight, double knitting, heather aran and chunky marl. It includes pullovers, cardigans, jackets, scarves, gloves, mittens and a gorgeous beaded shawl in Ultra Lace, a luxurious blend of Shetland wool and Lambswool. Styles are both traditional and contemporary. Articles include a visit to the Bonhoga Gallery at the Weisdale Mill in Shetland and a whimsical felted bag by Nicky Epstein. Other designers include Carol Lapin, Betsy Westman and Sandi Rosner. It is beautifully photographed at Jack London Ranch in Glen Ellen, California.
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