FB2 Santana Rose by Olga Bicos eng find free tom touch

FB2 Santana Rose by Olga Bicos eng find free tom touch

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Book description
Mercedes de Dreux, exquisite wife of a powerful Creole plantation owner, was the epitome of the gracious lady. But beneath her polished surface struggled a soul in torment, haunted by past sufferings, dedicated to the destruction of the evil man she was forced to wed when scarcely more than a child. And when a stranger with mesmerizing green eyes and hair turned silver from sorrow touched Mercys tender heart, she felt herself drawn irresistibly to the man they called THE SILVER FOX.Federal Agent Reynard Parks lived only to avenge his wife by bringing to justice the criminals who killed her. That is, until he met Mercy de Dreux. Deeply moved by the warmth and yearning in her ginger-colored eyes, Rey let himself feel again. But beside his deepening passion for the golden Mercy was a fascination with a masked female bandit an ebony-haired temptress whose kiss seared his memory with the enchanting vision of the fabled and elusive Santana Rose.
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