FB2 Rex: A Mother, Her Autistic Child, and the Music that Transformed Their Lives by Cathleen Lewis offline get purchase mobile online

FB2 Rex: A Mother, Her Autistic Child, and the Music that Transformed Their Lives by Cathleen Lewis offline get purchase mobile online

FB2 Rex: A Mother, Her Autistic Child, and the Music that Transformed Their Lives by Cathleen Lewis offline get purchase mobile

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Book description
I really enjoyed this book! Before reading this book I had seen Rex and/or Derek Paravicini (who is also mentioned in the book) on a 60 Minutes spot. When I saw this book available on sale for my Kindle, I had to try it out.I found this book very interesting. I connected with this book more than the typical my-child-has-a-disability memoir that Ive read. As a Speech-Language Pathologist who works in schools, I could identify with the authors struggles of getting Rex help within the school system. She struggled to get him the appropriate help that he needed throughout elementary school, and honestly, is probably still struggling with that today. But, she didnt give up on the school. She didnt pull him out to home school him or put him in a special school and while Im sure she may have wanted to scream or even give up, she doesnt seem to have done either of those things. Its refreshing to hear about a parent of a child with a disability who truly is their childs advocate. So many parents simply send their children off to school assuming that the school can fix their child, its their job. I also found Rex to be truly fascinating. I loved hearing his story of how he came out of his shell with his piano. But, even more interesting to me was his first words and how his communication came about. I loved hearing about his interactions with peers, adults, and with Derek Paravicini when they met. When I got to that part at the end of the story I watched the 5 part series on youtube and it helped to bring the whole book together. Cathleen Lewis did a great job telling her story of her life with Rex thus far. She didnt come off as someone who wants pity or anything like that. I thought it was well written and put together. At the end of the the book, she suddenly got very religious in her writing. I found this part to be a bit distracting from the overall information in the book. Thats just my opinion.As for the Kindle edition, there were a couple of unclosed quotation marks and some spacing issues where some words ran together, but they were minor and probably just due to the formatting or programming that goes into conversion. Not a big deal.
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