FB2 Remembering the Civil War: Reunion and the Limits of Reconciliation by Caroline E. Janney online full buy text how read

FB2 Remembering the Civil War: Reunion and the Limits of Reconciliation by Caroline E. Janney online full buy text how read

FB2 Remembering the Civil War: Reunion and the Limits of Reconciliation by Caroline E. Janney online full buy text how read

> READ BOOK > Benedicts Dharma

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Book description
Saint Benedicts Rule—a set of guidelines that has governed Christian monastic life since the sixth century—continues to fascinate laypeople and monastics alike. Buddhist monks and nuns have been intrigued by Benedicts insights into human nature and by the similarities between Christian and Buddhist traditions. Now, through personal anecdotes and thoughtful comparison, four prominent Buddhist scholars—including Joseph Goldstein and Yifa—reveal how the wisdom of each tradition can revitalize the other. Benedicts Dharma is a lively and compelling dialogue which will appeal not only to Buddhists and Christians, but to anyone interested in rediscovering the value of an ancient discipline in the modern world. Edited by Patrick Henry, with a new translation of the Rule of Saint Benedict by Patrick Barry, OSB.
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