FB2 Quantum Legacy: The Discovery That Changed the Universe by Barry Parker txt ibooks iphone

FB2 Quantum Legacy: The Discovery That Changed the Universe by Barry Parker txt ibooks iphone

FB2 Quantum Legacy: The Discovery That Changed the Universe by Barry Parker txt ibooks iphone

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Book description
Today we all take for granted the many technological marvels that have sprung from quantum physics without ever appreciating the radical paradigm shift that led to these discoveries. The story of the physicists who made the quantum leaps that have so altered our world is a provocative and intriguing one. And there is no better person to describe the history of this quantum revolution in terms that everyone can understand than award-winning physicist and science writer Barry Parker.Parker introduces us to all the major players in this history, offering interesting biographical details that shed light on their important discoveries: Max Planck, Albert Einstein, Niels Bohr, Werner Heisenberg, Erwin Schroedinger, Paul Dirac, Richard Feynman, and Julian Schwinger. Parker also discusses Einsteins objections to quantum theory (God does not play dice with the universe.), philosophical implications and quantum weirdness, as well as the seemingly miraculous practical applications of quantum theory -  in lasers, transistors, integrated circuits, computer technology, nuclear energy, and genetics.Parkers gift for turning the subtle complexities of subatomic physics into clearly understandable terms while conveying the excitement and wide-ranging importance of quantum exploration make him the ideal guide to a field that continues to transform our world and ultimately our universe.
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