FB2 Prejudices: The First, Second, and Third Series by H.L. Mencken original free offline view ios

FB2 Prejudices: The First, Second, and Third Series by H.L. Mencken original free offline view ios

FB2 Prejudices: The First, Second, and Third Series by H.L. Mencken original free offline view ios

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Book description
Mencken, H. L. PREJUDICES: First, Second, and Third Series. (1919, 1920, & 1922; this edition, 2010). **** - *****. Mencken was the most provocative and influential journalist and cultural critic in twentieth-century America. Prejudices represented his collected essays previously published in a variety of formats. There were a total of six volumes of these essays, all collected in two volumes by The Library of America. I had only read snatches of Mencken’s prose before, but now had the opportunity to read the majority of his output. To say that he was outspoken is to put it mildly. He managed to skewer most of the cultural icons of the recent past and of his day in a way that kept the reader turning the pages. He was not particularly liked among critics – primarily because he spoke his mind. His style was not that of just knocking down American ideals, but butting them with humor and richness. I could imagine him and Dorothy Parker getting along just fine, thank you. In this volume you will find his essays on “The Late Mr. Wells,” “The American Magazine,” “The Blushful Mystery (his review on sex in America),” “Roosevelt, An Autopsy,” “The Sahara of the Bozart (a scathing review of the lack of culture in the American South),” and many, many others. A native of Baltimore, Mencken approached his topics with his gloves off, and didn’t care who he skewered in his essays. You will not encounter a more honest critic. This volume (and the succeeding one, too, I believe) cannot be read in one sitting; there’s simply too much here. It was a marvelous book to take on a long airplane trip. Highly recommended.
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