FB2 Pink Lemonade on a Sunday Afternoon by Moira Mugweni (Goodreads Author) buy amazon bookstore download epub

FB2 Pink Lemonade on a Sunday Afternoon by Moira Mugweni (Goodreads Author) buy amazon bookstore download epub

FB2 Pink Lemonade on a Sunday Afternoon by Moira Mugweni (Goodreads Author) buy amazon bookstore download epub

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Book description
A few minutes changed April’s life forever. One second her life was nothing but muted black and white, and then came Zacheriah Jones with his spray cans, igniting her world with colour. And changing her in the process. Melissa has been holding it together for a long time. She’s never told anyone. Why would she? She’s stronger than that. Right?And then the unthinkable happens, and the one person she trusts is out of her reach.Anita had always known who she was. Or at least she thought she did. She is the good girl. She always has been. Then she begins to question everything that she is until she finds herself crossing a line. One she can’t come back from.Rae thinks he can fight it. He thinks he can change it. But how do you control who you fall for? How can you fight something happening inside you. You can’t, but that doesn’t stop him from trying.A story of life, love and loss. Five people who seem to have nothing in common but find their lives tangling in heart-breaking and irreversible ways.
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