FB2 Piano Lessons: Music, Love, and True Adventures by Noah Adams view spanish free francais itunes

FB2 Piano Lessons: Music, Love, and True Adventures by Noah Adams view spanish free francais itunes

FB2 Piano Lessons: Music, Love, and True Adventures by Noah Adams view spanish free francais itunes

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Book description
Piano Lessons is Noah Adamss delightful and moving chronicle of his fifty-second year--a year already filled with long, fast workdays and too little spare time--as he answers at last a lifelong call: to learn to play the piano.В В The twelve monthly chapters span from January--when after decades of growing affection for keyboard artists and artisans he finally plunges in and buys a piano--through December, when as a surprise Christmas present for his wife he dresses in a tuxedo and, in flickering candlelight, snow falling outside the windows, he attempts their favorite piece of music, a difficult third-year composition hes been struggling with in secret to get to this very moment.Among the up-tempo triumphs and unexpected setbacks, Noah Adams interweaves the rich history and folklore that surround the piano.В В And along the way, set between the ragtime rhythms and boogie-woogie beats, there are encounters with--and insights from--masters of the keyboard, from Glenn Gould and Leon Fleisher (I was a bit embarrassed, he writes; telling Leon Fleisher about my ambitions for piano lessons is like telling Julia Child about plans to make toast in the morning) to Dr. John and Tori Amos.As a storyteller, Noah Adams has perfect pitch.В В In the foreground here, like a familiar melody, are the challenges of learning a complex new skill as an adult, when enthusiasm meets the necessary repetition of tedious scales at the end of a twelve-hour workday.В В Lingering in the background, like a subtle bass line, are the quiet concerns of how we spend our time and how our priorities shift as we proceed through life.В В For Piano Lessons is really an adventure story filled with obstacles to overcome and grand leaps forward, eccentric geniuses and quiet moments of pre-dawn practice, as Noah Adams travels across country and keyboard, pursuing his dream and keeping the rhythm.
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