FB2 Opening to Spirit: Contacting the Healing Power of the Chakras and Honouring African Spirituality by Caroline Shola Arewa access read find get pc

FB2 Opening to Spirit: Contacting the Healing Power of the Chakras and Honouring African Spirituality by Caroline Shola Arewa access read find get pc

FB2 Opening to Spirit: Contacting the Healing Power of the Chakras and Honouring African Spirituality by Caroline Shola Arewa access

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Book description

Book description
The chakras are wheels of energy inside the body. This ancient system is often thougth to have emerged from the yogic traditions of India, but in Opening to Spirit, Caroline Shola Arewa explores the importance of the chakras to the ancient Africans and Egyptians. She illustrates the common root of many of our spiritual traditions through the mythology and spirituality of Ancient Egypt, Early India and West Africa.
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