FB2 On the Hills of God by Ibrahim Fawal eReader via full english book

FB2 On the Hills of God by Ibrahim Fawal eReader via full english book

FB2 On the Hills of God by Ibrahim Fawal eReader via full english book

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Book description
Fawals novel provides an account of the 1948 partition of Palestine, told from the point of view of a town of mostly Christian Arabs caught up in the war between Arab and Zionist armies, which led to their being displaced from their homeland. A doctors family is at the center of the story, but such is the depth and breadth of the narrative that we come to know scores of characters. We also become intimately familiar with Ardallah, the town they call home, its streets and shops, the surrounding hills, and the seasons, as well as the social fabric, traditions, and distinctly Arab culture that make it a centuries-old community.It is difficult at the end to put this book down without a sense of both loss and injustice. It is not the complete story of the creation of Israel, but it represents an understanding of it from an Arab perspective that accounts for the continuing hostility toward Israel and the West. The UN-sanctioned partition becomes yet another incomprehensible betrayal of the Arab Middle East by the West following the fall of the Ottoman Empire. The sometimes brutal determination of the Zionists is seen as yet another Crusade by the West to colonize and dominate those for whom the Middle East has always been home. Defenders of Israeli interests there will find this novel unsettling.The novel itself is intent on telling its story and not creating great literature. Some readers will find aspects of the plotting uncomfortably melodramatic - in particular the young protagonists attempt to prevent the marriage of the girl he loves to another man. There are lapses in prose style later in the book, as modern Americanisms slip into the narrative, and the author is not a master of metaphor. Still, the novel is a significant achievement in storytelling, and its important to stick with it to the final chapters, which describe in harrowing detail the plight of what would become a generation of refugees. It is a story that should be read by anyone attempting to understand the continuing conflict between Israel and its neighbors.
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