FB2 On Self Esteem and Scholars, Witches And Other Freedom Fighters by Gloria Steinem iphone prewiew how to download macbook

FB2 On Self Esteem and Scholars, Witches And Other Freedom Fighters by Gloria Steinem iphone prewiew how to download macbook

FB2 On Self Esteem and Scholars, Witches And Other Freedom Fighters by Gloria Steinem iphone prewiew how to download macbook

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Book description
“As a speaker, writer and feminist spokesperson, Steinem has no equal. She expresses herself with irresistible conviction…Steinem sprinkles her talk with wit while offering hope and encouragement that our lives can be better.” -Library JournalGloria Steinem offers her views on the interconnectedness between self-esteem and sexism, racism, politics, and physical and sexual abuse in this entertaining and educating program, recorded live in New York City.Bonus audio of Scholars, Witches and Other Freedom Fighters:This talk by Gloria Steinem is a recording that took place in 1993 in Salem, Massachusetts, in concurrence with the 300th anniversary of The Salem Witch Trials. In this incredibly enlightening and motivational audio, Steinem puts into social and historical context the role of society in the treatment and mistreatment of women.
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