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Book description
Pam and Nicky Lintott have sold over 250,000 books all over the worldtestament to their extraordinary talent for creating great quilt designs with easy-to-follow instructions. Here Pam and Nicky bring you a fresh collection of 14 brand new quilt patterns, each with a beautiful variation design.Uses a range of Moda pre-cuts, including the new fat eighth bundle!From the Introduction:We know you enjoyed our book Layer Cake, Jelly Roll and Charm Quilts and we think its time for some second helpings, so we hope youll enjoy this book as much. Working with pre-cut fabrics is such fun that we dont seem to be able to stop. Having all those fabrics pre-cut and packed up ready to sew not only speeds up the making of quilts but makes life so exciting. We know the fabrics are all going to coordinate but part of the excitement is wondering how they are going to look together when made into a quilt. Possibly you wouldnt have chosen that particular fabric, but just see how great it looks in the quilt! We dont have to go on--we love jelly rolls, layer cakes and charm packs--and we know you do too.Having squares of fabric, as opposed to just strips, opens up many more design opportunities. Never let anyone tell you that squares are boring--you could simply sew squares together and if you are using coordinated and inspiring fabric it would create a stunning quilt.The 10in squares in our layer cakes give us scope for lots of new designs. After working on our last book, Jelly Roll Sampler Quilts, where small units were needed for the blocks featured in the sampler quilts, the 10in squares seemed huge. We did think big for some of the quilts and have made some very quick quilts which we hope you like.Using pre-cut fabric has so many benefits--its quick and easy and having the fabrics already coordinated means you can get straight on with a project knowing that the colours in your finished quilt are going to blend well together. Often you will be using fabrics that you wouldnt normally choose (or be brave enough to use) and we can assure you that often it is those fabrics that add the extra sparkle. We hope that this sparkle in our quilts will inspire you.
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