FB2 Minjis Salon by Eun-hee Choung eReader online read pocket price

FB2 Minjis Salon by Eun-hee Choung eReader online read pocket price

FB2 Minjis Salon by Eun-hee Choung eReader online read pocket price

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Book description
Minjis salon was the story of a young girl who experiments with her dog, giving it hairstyles. What was wonderful about the book were the illustrations. The story parallels with a beauty day for Minjis mother. While Minjis mother is at the salon, Minji is at home styling away on the doggie! One thing I appreciated about the book were the trendy fashion illustrations. I thought that Choung did a nice job of shattering typical asian stereotypes of traditional attire. A final theme in the book showed the patience of parents of curious children. When Minjis mother returns home from the salon, of course the house is a wreck from the dogs makeover. This would be a great book for early ele. students, and parents alike.
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