FB2 Microserfs by Douglas Coupland (Goodreads Author) purchase find tom online kindle

FB2 Microserfs by Douglas Coupland (Goodreads Author) purchase find tom online kindle

FB2 Microserfs by Douglas Coupland (Goodreads Author) purchase find tom online kindle

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Book description
Narrated in the form of a Powerbook entry by Dan Underwood, a computer programmer for Microsoft, this state-of-the-art novel about life in the 90s follows the adventures of six code-crunching computer whizzes. Known as microserfs, they spend upward of 16 hours a day coding (writing software) as they eat flat foods (such as Kraft singles, which can be passed underneath closed doors) and fearfully scan the company email to see what the great Bill might be thinking and whether he is going to flame one of them. Seizing the chance to be innovators instead of cogs in the Microsoft machine, this intrepid bunch strike out on their own to form a high-tech start-up company named Oop! in Silicon Valley. Living together in a sort of digital flophouse --Our House of Wayward Mobility -- they desperately try to cultivate well-rounded lives and find love amid the dislocated, subhuman whir and buzz of their computer-driven world.Funny, illuminating and ultimately touching, Microserfs is the story of one generations very strange and claustrophobic coming of age.
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