FB2 Mated (The Wolf Pack Book 1) by Avery Gale pocket iphone book free get

FB2 Mated (The Wolf Pack Book 1) by Avery Gale pocket iphone book free get

FB2 Mated (The Wolf Pack Book 1) by Avery Gale pocket iphone book free get

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Book description
Warning: For Mature Adult Audiences. Contains language and actions some may find offensive. Contains sexually explicit content. Ménage MFM. Centuries of tradition have bound your soul to ours so tightly that neither time no trial could separate us. In Book 1 of the Wolf Pack series: Kit has avoided her parents increasing pressure to marry for years. Granted, her shifter parents refer to it as mating, but Kit isn’t one to split hairs over semantics when the results will be the same. She’ll lose her freedom and being under the control of an Alpha male doesn’t appeal to her in the least. Kit knows that mating will also bring on her magical powers and what many would consider a gift comes with some hefty baggage. After seeing the burden those powers have been to her mother and grandmother, Kit is in no hurry to join in the never-ending battle between good and evil. But an evening of dancing with a friends ends Kit’s hope of avoiding her destiny. Jameson and Trevlon Wolf had traveled the world looking for their mate, and they’d almost given up finding her when she walks in to their New York City dance club. But they quickly discover convincing the fiery-haired beauty to give them one week to prove being their mate won’t be the end of the world was the easy part, because protecting her is going to be a lifelong challenge.
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