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Book description
A guidebook for laying-on-of-stones-including a mineralogical update, information addressing master numbers, and a cross-reference index of astrological signs and their associated minerals. Information is derived from hands-on experience by the author, historical research, and experimentation; any channeled information included was first validated via experimentation. This book is meant to facilitate the continuance of ones intimate journey into the subtle realms of crystal energy, via the application of laying-on-of-stones in symbolic arrays from ancient times. The combinations bring one toward additional avant-garde adventures in the world of the mineral kingdom.- Melody Internationally known, best-selling author of the Love is in the Earth series, Melody was born in Cumberland, Maryland, and now resides in the Rocky Mountain region. She is a scientist and holds Bachelor of Science and Master of Art degrees in mathematics. She has been working with stones since she was a child, always evidencing an interest in the geological and mystical properties of these children of the Mother Earth. Due to the desire to share her research and knowledge with her brothers and sisters of the planet, and due to the need to make the information available at the onset of the Age of Love, she has updated this popular book. In addition to her work within the United States, she has taught crystal workshops in Brazil, the Republic of South Africa, and Australia, and has held private consultations in India and Nepal.
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