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FB2 Lobotomy: Surviving the Ramones by Dee Dee Ramone fb2 online

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Book description
Lobotomy is a lurid and unlikely temperance tract from the underbelly of rock n roll. Taking readers on a wild rollercoaster ride from his crazy childhood in Berlin and Munich to his lonely methadone-soaked stay at a cheap hotel in Earls Court and newfound peace on the straight and narrow, Dee Dee Ramone catapults readers into the raw world of sex, addiction, and two-minute songs. It isnt pretty. With the velocity of a Ramones song, Lobotomy rockets from nights at CBGBs to the breakup of the Ramones happy family with an unrelenting backbeat of hate and squalor: his girlfriend ODs; drug buddy Johnny Thunders steals his ode to heroin, Chinese Rock; Sid Vicious shoots up using toilet water; and a pistol-wielding Phil Spector holds the band hostage in Beverly Hills. Hey! Ho! Lets go!
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